If you have been searching for how to help with anxiety or stress, you may be interested in some effective tips for managing your anxiety. We have a list for you today and they have all been proven to help.
Think about a situation in the past that resulted in an anxiety symptom, such as: sweating (not from exercise!), rapid heartbeat, breaking out in a red rash or hives, or shortness of breath? These are all ways that your body can symptomize an anxiety attack. The best advice we can give about how to help with anxiety is to learn to recognize these symptoms and manage what is causing them.
Anxiety is an extreme reaction to a fearful situation. Has your life ever been threatened? Has someone you care about been in danger? These kinds of situations can trigger a rush of adrenalin and give you a racing heartbeat or sweaty palms. It is part of the fight or flight syndrome.
The situations just mentioned are mostly rare occurrences, but there are more frequent anxiety situation. Do you fear certain types of situations like speaking in front of people or being in crowded places? Do you get stressed if you are caught in traffic or something changes your daily plans such as having to work late or being overwhelmed with requests from others. Do these kinds of things throw you into a panic?
It is perfectly normal to experiences panic or anxiety at times. We have the fight or flight response to help us manage, and once the fear subsides the anxiety will stop. But when you have chronic anxiety, life is much different.
Many situations can make you feel stress and/or anxiety. The good news is that anxiety is not life-threatening. Something has triggered these feelings for you. Maybe it was some type of stressful situation, either recent or in the past. It can become a bigger problem if you don’t find a way to manage your anxiety.
Let’s look at those tips we have for you about how to help with anxiety. These will be beneficial to you if you have anxiety attacks or feel stress all the time. You can learn how to control your feelings and get professional help if you need it.
- Get help. It’s not wise to try to self-diagnosis. A better choice is to get a professional psychologist to help you understand your anxiety and prescribe medication or other effective techniques.
- Rest. When you are able to experience a normal sleep cycle, your body will repair itself while you rest. You should target getting eight hours of sleep most nights, although that can vary by an hour or two if you feel you require less or more.
- Physical Activity. When you exercise on a regular basis, you get multiple benefits. You begin to use oxygen more efficiently and that means more oxygen to your brain, along with better focus that helps you think more clearly and discover solutions to problems instead of stressing over them.
- Meditate. Meditation can be beneficial and takes the form of different activities including yoga, an activity that involves quieting your mind and breathing. Another simple way to meditate is to set aside 5 minutes every day to clear your mind. This can be very successful in avoiding anxiety.
- Master Worry. Here’s a tip to help when you feel anxiety first starting. You can count backwards from ten, focusing on the situation. Relax and think about what is happening. Refrain from adding any fuel to the fire.
- No alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant, including a single glass of wine. The problem with alcohol is that stressful situations can encourage you to depend on it which can cause a new problem for you.
- Relax. There are different activities that can help energize you because anxiety and stress can deplete your energy. Find activities that you enjoy and you will do them more often, promoting more stress free moments.
You should realize that you can start to get anxiety or feel stress at any time in your life. It really is a normal experience. The problems start when your anxiety becomes frequent. At this point you may be at risk for a more serious condition and need to realize that there is professional help available and that many other people benefit from it every day. You be the judge if you feel your anxiety is out of control and taking over your life. Since you searched for how to help with anxiety and are doing your research, you should continue through and get the help you need.
Another helpful article: Managing Stress.